Alexander P. Burgoyne, PhD

Cognitive and I-O Psychologist | Senior Scientist at HumRRO

Popular Press

Popular writing and media features.

The Difference Between Rationality and Intelligence

By David Z. Hambrick and 
Alexander P. Burgoyne

Are you intelligent — or rational?

Flagging Fake News or Bad Sources Won’t Work

By Alexander P. Burgoyne
and David Z. Hambrick

Decades of research on human memory indicate that warnings will be no panacea for the fake news problem.

Intelligence and the DNA Revolution

By Alexander P. Burgoyne
and David Z. Hambrick

We are a product of both our genetic makeup and our environments, as well as the complex interplay between the two.

Looks Matter, but so do Smarts

By David Z. Hambrick and Alexander P. Burgoyne

A lesson from parakeet romance on how to get a date.

Pupil Size Is a Marker of Intelligence

By Jason S. Tsukahara,
Alexander P. Burgoyne,
and Randall W. Engle

There is a surprising correlation between pupil size and several measures of cognitive ability.

Sometimes Mindlessness Is Better Than Mindfulness

By Alexander P. Burgoyne
and David Z. Hambrick

In some situations, don’t pay so much attention.

Talent or Training? The Documentary

By ​Julia Zipfel

Aired on the German network 3sat/ZDF.