Alexander P. Burgoyne, PhD

Cognitive and I-O Psychologist | Senior Scientist at HumRRO

Cognitive Tasks

Download tasks designed to measure individual differences in cognitive abilities.

Three-minute “Squared”
Tests of Attention Control

Three-minute "Squared" 
Tests of Attention Control

Introducing a trio of three-minute conflict tasks. Stroop Squared, Simon Squared, and Flanker Squared are efficient, reliable, and valid tests of attention control.

Freely available for Windows, Mac, Web (jsPsych or Inquisit), and E-Prime. Now translated in German and Danish.

Auditory Conflict
Tests of Attention Control

Modality matters. We developed three auditory conflict tasks that use an adaptive response deadline (DL) to control for speed-accuracy tradeoffs. Auditory Stroop DL, Auditory Flanker DL, and Auditory Simon DL can be used to explore the domain-generality and modality-specificity of attention control.

Currently available for E-Prime.

Incongruent vs. congruent trial types in the Auditory Simon DL task.